Monday 23 May 2016


Tonight my printer crashed.

I'm not even sure how it happened.  I've been printing lots of stuff and decided to set a big one before bed.  I got up to the sound of my build plate crashing on the ground!

When I got there i saw this:
As you can see the extruder burned through the tape and melted the actual plastic on the top layer of the build plate.  From my guess, the extruder crashed into the build plate early, but kept on going through it's pattern, slowly pushing the plate off until it fell out completely.

The damage on the actual plate is quite bad:

The build lines are burned into the plate.  This is going to make for tough leveling of the first layer going forward.

I recalibrated the bed level and two of my screws were off by about a quarter turn!

Looking back at my log, I think I haven't calibrated this for about 25 prints.

So the lesson learned here is:

1.  Wait for your first layer to be put down before leaving it
2.  Recalibrate your build plate every 5-10 prints!

I've asked my supplier to order up new plates and a new plastic covering. I'm not even sure how to fix this, but I'm going to print the thing that made it screwed up and we'll see how accurate it is.

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