Thursday 2 June 2016

Open Forge Wood Floor - Failure and Fix

I wanted to try and do some modular flooring for D&D but the problem was that a print of just ONE floor tile would take over an hour!

So I took the file for the wood floor and modified it by chopping off the base to make it thinner, and thus take up less time and material.

I haven't had trouble with parts lifting so I did a batch and let it run over night.

Then I got my most glorious screw up ever:

So I tried a test with speed settings, dialing it down to see what would happen, and maybe it would stick better also with glue and tape.  Nope:

Tried speed setting again.  Nope:

Then I decided to try a raft with the part 1mm off the build plate and adding supports to hold it.

SUCCESS!  The supports and raft worked so there was no curling.

It actually turned out really well.

And here's the final product with the first disaster next to it.

1 comment:

  1. Hola. He visto tu blog y me gusts mucho. Tengo la flash forge finder y he tenido pocos problemas.

    Al ver tus fotos veo que usas muchas balsas y tienes problemas de adherencia te recomiendo ajustar la altura de Z o en ingles extruder calibration.

    Eso mejora mucho la adherencia de las impresiones a la cama.

